Place and Identity through Papermaking with Candy Gonzalez
July 28 - August 1
| $450 – $1300Event Navigation

Place and Identity through Papermaking – Candy Gonzalez
Dates: July 28 – August 1, 2025
Studio: Papermaking
Tuition: Sliding Scale, $450 – $1300
Lab Fee: $100
Class limit: 6
Explore your relationship to place and identity through papermaking with native plants! The workshop will start with the exploration of plants native to the Hudson Valley and learning to make paper with native plants. Participants will build on foundational knowledge through demos, collective inquiry-based investigation, foraging, and open studio time. Throughout the week, participants will engage in self and group reflection on the relationship between place, native plants and identity. These reflections will inform visual papermaking investigations of place and identity. Participants will have the opportunity to create a small series of works on handmade paper.
In order to reserve your space in the class, we require a $250 nonrefundable deposit. WSW offers a sliding tuition model for the Summer Art Institute, and you can pick your desired tuition level from the drop-down menu at check-out. For assistance in selecting your tuition level, see this guide. If you are in a position to pay full tuition or more, we request that you do so. The pay-as-you-can model is not based on tax returns or documentation, rather your self-determined capacity to pay. Registration is on a first-come first-served basis, and you can read about our refund and cancellation policies here.
Candy Alexandra González
Candy Alexandra González is a Little Havana and Philadelphia-based multidisciplinary visual artist, poet, and trauma-competent art educator. Candy received their MFA in Book Arts + Printmaking from the University of the Arts in 2017. Since graduating, they have been a 40th Street Artist-in-Residence in West Philadelphia, a West Bay View Fellow at Dieu Donné in Brooklyn, NY, the 2021 Linda Lee Alter Fellow for the DaVinci Art Alliance and the 2024-2025 Leeway x Fleisher Artist in Residence. Their visual art and poetry practice is rooted in the liberation of fat, brown, immigrant, queer and trans people. Candy is currently an Art + Art Education doctoral student at Teachers College, Columbia University.