Who Does WSW Serve?
Since our founding in 1974, Women’s Studio Workshop has been a professional artist studio dedicated to the creation of community, opportunity, empowerment, and development for women artists in all stages of their careers. As we continue to serve this mission, we believe that we can honor our core values and address gender equity more fully by explicitly expanding our concept of gender beyond patriarchal frames of reference.
WSW supports all women and trans, intersex, nonbinary and genderfluid people in residencies and internships. Classes, studio rentals, and public events are open to all.
What does this mean when you visit the studio and stay on campus?
- we intentionally create space to honor pronouns and names
- we uphold a set of community guidelines and have systems in place to report conflict
- we firmly believe in fostering an environment of communication, exploration, and bold expression that is respectful, safe, and accepting of all the members of our community.
What Our Alums Say

Bhavna Mehta | She/Her/Hers | San Diego, CA| Studio Workspace Residency | Papermaking | bhavnamehta.com/
“Starting a residency in the paper making studio at Women’s Studio Workshop, I had just the barest idea of how the long days would result into productive and satisfying work. That quickly changed with the gentle assistance of Chris Petrone and Ashleigh Pillay who took the time to help me setup and transform the workspace to be as wheelchair friendly as possible. In my time at the workshop, I experienced freedom, camaraderie, a give and take between staff, interns and residents, and a wealth of new ideas and beginnings. Being part of this community, which includes the surrounding landscape, is healing and invigorating.”

Malin Abrahamsson | She/Her/Hers | Brooklyn, NY | Studio Workspace Residency | Ceramics | malinabrahamsson.com/
“As someone who’s still learning about ceramics, the residency at WSW couldn’t have been more ideal. In the studio, I had staff to turn to for technical questions and I worked alongside a great group of kind, funny and generous people. Most of my time was spent experimenting and as a result, I learned much more than I had expected to. The location of WSW is worth a mention too: surrounded by quiet woods and hiking trails it offered a much needed change from the city. Last but definitely not least, I am also very grateful for the new friendships I formed during my time there.”

Jayoung Yoon | She/Her/Hers | Beacon, NY | Ora Schneider Regional Residency Grant | Intaglio | jayoungart.com/
“I miss the creative energy all around WSW. I met artists who were working on their projects for several months, and their dedication and focus was very inspiring to me. Also, I really felt free to experiment with all different techniques in the studio. That was very special to me, having that time and space to explore.”

Fafnir Adamites | They/Them/Theirs | Turners Falls, MA | Studio Residency Grant | Papermaking | fafniradamites.com/home.html
“My time in the papermaking studio at WSW was transformative. The facilities, the technical support and the camaraderie were all critical components. I arrived wanting to expand my papermaking skills and left with so much more than that.”

Paloma Barhaugh-Bordas | She/Her/Hers | Ithaca, NY | Studio Workspace Residency | Intaglio | palomabarhaughbordas.com/
“I spent 5 weeks at WSW to start a new body of work and prepare for an upcoming solo show. I went prepared to work and couldn’t have asked for a more intrinsically supportive community of artists, staff and interns. At WSW, conversations became studio visits, potluck lunches built a community of laughter, and my work became marked by a visionary tradition of giving space and time to women artists.”

T. Klacsmann | They/Them/He/Him | Hudson, NY |Studio Workspace Residency | Intaglio | tatianaklacsmann.com/
“ The 5 weeks I spent in the printmaking studio at WSW transformed my work. During my residency, I was on a mission to turn a theoretically exciting, but practically vague idea about translating my relief prints into polyester lithography plates into a concrete process. Every day, I came to the studio excited to test out and refine new techniques, and by lunch time, I’d often have come to a hurdle or dead end. We’d gather, discuss, and recharge over a delicious meal, then we’d all keep going. The support and enthusiasm of the WSW staff never wavered and inspired in me the fortitude to keep trying. By the end of the residency, I had developed a process which forms the basis of nearly all the work I’ve made over the last 2 years. Returning to WSW to share my love of printmaking at Summer Art Institute feels like coming home. ”

Risha Rox | She/Her/Hers | Los Angeles, CA | Parent Residency Grant | Papermaking | risharox.com/
“My time at the Women’s Studio Workshop in the papermaking studio was truly transformative. I chose to create original paper illustrations from a favorite book of mine, Women Who Run with the Wolves! It felt both decadent and vital to engage a completely new art practice; simultaneously free and deeply supported. As an artist and a mother, I remain in deep gratitude to have received the parent residency grant. Chris, Erin and my fellow studio dwellers will always have a place in my heart and I will represent for WSW forever!”

Tracey Bullington | She/Her/Hers | New Orleans, LA | Art-in-Ed Artist’s Book Residency Grant | Letterpress | traceybullington.com/
“The technical and conceptual assistance, instruction and support was beyond what I expected and made my residency an incredible learning opportunity in ways that I hadn’t expected. I am especially grateful for the support of WSW interns and staff throughout my residency experience.”

Barbara Beisingoff | She/Her/Hers | Kassel, Germany | Studio Workspace Residency | Silkscreen | beisinghoff.de/
“With Chris creating and testing out book structures and with Erin helping to realize the projects, WSW will keep on acting as an incubator for women artists. I heard a lot of laughing during my residency, which liberates and acts as catalyst.”

Imin Yeh | She/Her/Hers | Pittsburgh, PA | Artist’s Book Residency Grant | Bindery | iminyeh.info/
“The minute I walked onto the WSW campus, I felt as if I was among friends I have known for a lifetime. Everyone who works at WSW, in their tireless hustle, devotion to craft, sense of humor and perspective of our contemporary world, felt like my people. It is a place where my most elaborate and ambitious ideas were met with equal enthusiasm and new techniques that made these ideas become artworks.”

Minerva Ayon | Morelos, Mexico | Chili Bowl Workspace Residency | Ceramics | minervaayon.com/
“Women’s Studio Workshop is a place to learn and create community. The entire staff builds and keeps up with this project with so much care and attention, makes sure that everyone feels included, has a space, and has fun during their stay. All the spaces are very well equipped, and I had the opportunity to use tools I hadn’t tried before and improve my skills. There is housing both in the building with the studio facilities and next door. During the summers there’s a lake close by to swim in, and the bookshelves always have something of interest. The potluck lunches are a nice opportunity to share and get to know each other better. The surroundings are amazing, and perfect for taking a walk and clearing the mind.”

Padma Rajendran | She/Her/Hers | Catskill, NY | Ora Schneider Regional Residency Grant | Silkscreen | padmarajendran.com/
“My residency felt luxurious. I was provided an entire print studio with no limitations and truly an abundance of materials. The physical space, separation from my regular life, concentrated time and the generous camaraderie to talk through concerns and inspirations was pivotal to embarking on the challenge of creating different work. The residency was completely free form for making and rediscovery, which I now look back upon longingly. The work I was so nervous to make at the time remains to be some of my most successful. It was challenging and new, and WSW gave me the time, resources and support to work in the unknown.”