New Faces at WSW: Spring 2015 Edition

January 22, 2015 by
intern group pic

Left to right: Katie Bosley, Ellen Prosko, Katie Wofford, Danielle LaCasse

Women’s Studio Workshop regularly welcomes new faces: resident artists, students, volunteers, and visitors are always coming and going. Every six months, we also celebrate the arrival of a new set of interns who quickly become part of the WSW community. Last week, we welcomed our first group of 2015, marking 30 years of our internship program! Now that these four young women have settled in Anne Atwood and gotten comfortable with the studios, we’d like to formally introduce them.


Katie Bosley, Double Walled Cup, high fire clay, 2014

Ceramics intern Katie Bosley earned her BFA from University of Florida in 2014. She’ll be at WSW for three months, hard at work in the ceramics studio to create bowls and tumblers for the 18th Annual Chili Bowl Fiesta. In her personal work, she creates elegant ceramic vessels that combine double-walled forms with elaborate carvings and eyelet cut-outs. As light shifts or the pieces are interacted with, the openings offer a variety of different dynamic perspectives. Her influences include architectural forms and decorations like vaulted ceilings, wrought iron fences, and intricate tile designs. She keeps her practice fresh by constructing forms that push the limits of her own abilities and the material itself. When she’s not in the studio she loves to travel, cozy up with a good book, or spend time with friends.


Ellen Prosko, Colours and Voices, copper plate etching, 2012

Studio intern Ellen Prosko earned her BFA from the University of Alberta in 2013, where she specialized in Printmaking. Her work is informed by home and memory, both past and present, and the way that we tend to associate specific memories with physical objects. Ellen explores these relationships using a combination of bookbinding and printmaking, specifically copper plate etching and silkscreen. Her future plans include pursuing a Master’s degree in Book Arts.

Katie Wofford, Power/Paradox IV, drypoint/machine drawing, 2014

Arts Administration intern Katie Wofford graduated from University of Maryland College Park in 2014 with degrees in Art History and Studio Art. Her latest work has explored alternative methods of printmaking, with a particular interest in monoprints and mixed media work, incorporating everything from digital imagery to vegetable oil to hair in her prints. She’s also currently exploring the possibilities inherent in digital media, and how she can relate those issues to her print work. Katie hopes to use her time at WSW to learn more about papermaking and book binding to incorporate them into her current practice.


Danielle LaCasse, There Could Be a Ghost In My House, intaglio, lithography, paper cut, hand color, hand stitching, graphite, 2014

Studio intern Danielle LaCasse received her BFA from the Art Institute of Boston in 2014 with a major in Illustration and a focus in Printmaking. Her current work, created primarily with intaglio, lithography, and hand stitching, is simultaneously autobiographical and analytical. Danielle’s process focuses on creating visual metaphors to represent events that have happened in her own life or in the lives of her family; drawing connections between those events and her personal reactions. Recently, Danielle’s work has paired traditional female decorative crafts like embroidery with contemporary and experimental techniques.

We’re so excited to have these talented artists joining us at the Workshop! Their involvement at all levels of studio activity adds yet another later to WSW’s tradition of collaboration and community involvement. We can’t wait to see what these young women will do in their time on the Binne, and are thrilled to welcome them into the WSW family.