Tona Wilson
Tona Wilson works in painting, video and artist’s books. She has shown video as part of the O+ Festival in Kingston, at Paper City Studios, and at CHRCH Project Space as part of Kate Hamilton’s “It’s a Big World in There,” among other places. She began working in multi-channel video in 2013 and her 4-channel stop-motion animated video, Crossing Paths, which was previously screened in Seattle, Washington and Great Barrington, Massachusetts, is now showing at the Dorsky Museum in New Paltz, as part of “The Stories We Tell: Hudson Valley Artists.”
http://tonawilson.comau•gust art festival project
Based on a poem by Sarah Heady, and with a musical score by Ryan Chase, An Arrow Pointing Down (6 min 45 sec) was originally made as part of a longer, three channel multi-media piece, in which four visual artists worked with four composers. Shown here is the first section of the video/sound collaboration between Ryan Chase and myself. It combines video footage with stop-action animation made using paper cut-outs, objects and drawing.