Going to camp: a meditation about AIDS, quarantine, exile and personal loss

Twenty contributors provided poetry, fiction and images for this compilation. This is an accordian book structure, which unfolds into a cross shape. The container is closed with a clay embossed seal.

For purchase inquiries, please contact [email protected] or 845-658-9133

Out of print.



Rochester Institute of Technology, Newark Public Library, Yale University, University of Delaware, University of Colorado (Boulder), Virginia Commonwealth University, Art Gallery of Ontario, University of California (Santa Barbara), Harvard University, Museum of Contemporary Art (San Diego), Brown University, Atlanta College of Art, Carnegie-Mellon University, University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), University of Georgia, University of Houston, Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Cleveland Institute of Art, University of North Carolina (Greensboro), Stanford University, University of Utah, Vassar College Library, University of Connecticut (Storrs), University of Colorado Library, Duke University, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, Bucknell University Bertrand Library, Indiana University, University of Michigan, Library of Congress

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