Sarah K. Khan

Sarah K. Khan, multimedia maker/scholar, writes and creates bodies of work—paper, books, prints, photography, ceramics, and films — about food, culture, women and migrants. Informed by fieldwork and research, globally, Khan has lived with Bedouins in the Middle East and documented the plight of Indian women farmers. She traverses the world of Queens NY, and films women cooks and farmers about their food and ways in Fez, Morocco. Her most recent bodies of works—prints, animation and ceramics—inspired by a 16th Century Central Indian Cookbook, are a result of Indigo Arts Alliance (prints), Princeton ArtHX (animation), and Kohler Arts/Industry (pottery) Residencies. 

She has studied Middle Eastern history (BA), public health and nutrition (MPH, MS) and traditional ecological knowledge systems/plant sciences in South Asia and China (PhD). A two-time Fulbright scholar, Khan has had multiple art residencies, grants, and fellowships. Her more recent works have appeared in Women and Migration(s), Responses in Art History I,  Women and Migration(s) II, the Museum of the Moving Image (films), Madison Children’s Museum (photography, paper), The Kimmel Gallery at NYU (photography), Queens Museum (photography and film), Asian Arts Initiative (films), Asian American Writers Workshop Open City (writing, films). Her work has exhibited nationally and globally and exists in permanent and private collections.
