Tag Archive: Papermaking

Radha Pandey’s Pictorial Taxonomy

Feb 24, 2015

Despite growing up in New Delhi, one of India’s most crowded and polluted cities, every summer was another jungle adventure for AIE Artist’s Book resident Radha Pandey. Thanks to creative, supportive parents, one of whom was a wildlife documentary filmmaker, Radha’s early childhood instilled within her a special connection and awe for the natural world. “My… View Article

Hands-on Art: a Journey in Artmaking

Feb 20, 2015

February is a busy month around here! Of course, we’re in full prep mode for the Chili Bowl Fiesta, but we’re also welcoming 80 elementary and middle school students into the studio through our Art-in-Education program, Hands-on Art. This program invites students and teachers from local schools to work in our professionally equipped studios alongside practicing artists, and… View Article

Cara Lynch’s Patterned Histories

Dec 12, 2014

Mortar and pestle in hand, Workspace Resident Cara Lynch mixes an explosively bright pink pigment into quart-sized containers of paper pulp. Beside the pink are varying fluorescent shades of yellow and blue that she’ll layer in ornate patterns using hand cut stencils and pulp painting. Twisting and curving in elaborate compositions, these patterns are inspired… View Article

Hands-On Art: Pulled, Printed, and Pressed

Nov 25, 2014

Laughter resonated through every studio in the building as WSW wrapped up another prolific session of our Art-in-Education (AIE) program, Hands-on Art. Make no mistake, though, these young artists have been working hard over the last four weeks to create handmade paper, and sets of prints in both etching and silkscreen. In the final week… View Article

Pushing Paper, Pulling Sheets: Barbara Landes in the Studio

Nov 21, 2014

In the papermaking studio, mutely colored structures twist and climb, forming a rocky mountain-like structure. Upon first glance, you might not guess these sturdy structures were handmade paper, but at the hands of Art-in-Ed Workspace resident Barbara Landes, paper becomes a three dimensional canvas. “What made me fall in love with [paper] in the first… View Article

Fragmented Investigations: In the Studio with Sarah Bertrand-Hamel

Oct 07, 2014

Smoothing the leathery skin of her handmade paper, workspace resident Sarah Bertrand-Hamel holds her various abaca experiments against a large window. Backlit, the brightly-colored sheets glow with different levels of translucency. She scribbles the results in her notebook. During her five-week papermaking residency at WSW, Sarah is experimenting with different fibers to create vibrant, translucent sheets… View Article

Paper, Skin, & Hair: Maria Vonn in the Studio

Jun 20, 2014

In the papermaking studio, Maria Vonn pulls and couches a thin sheet of flax. From a small pile, she tugs loose a handful of strands from what used to be the dark, thick ponytail of a friend. In careful loops, she presses the hair into the wet pulp, repeating the process until she is satisfied… View Article

Karen J. Revis in the Land of Happy Accidents

May 09, 2014

Even as a student, workspace resident Karen J. Revis was doing things her way: adding wax to her paint and eschewing brushes and canvas for palette knives and plexi. She wanted to get in there and push paint around, she wanted to be engulfed in a process. “It’s always been about the materials,” says Karen, who… View Article

Hands-On Art: Young Artists Take Over Crown Street

Apr 18, 2014

This is the third post in a series of three posts about our Spring 2014 “Hands-On Art” program. Check out the previous posts here and here. Don’t be fooled – amidst of the laughter and fun that fills the WSW studios during our Art-in-Education program “Hands-On Art”, there’s a whole lot of learning going on. In… View Article

Alumnae Spotlight: Susan Fateh

Mar 06, 2014

Susan Fateh is a Scottish-Iranian artist whose history with the workshop is long and rich. As an artist alumna, former staff member, and longtime friend, she’s found a way to stay involved with the Workshop since she first started pulling paper here in the 1980s. Now based in Italy and Scotland, Susan has coordinated and designed… View Article