
Inspired by the artist’s installation of the same name, where an automated iron reveals text as it irons out a white dress shirt. The text examines the history of domestic labor and immigration, while the images document the technological progress of ironing appliances (patents included). Printed in invisible ink, the viewer reads the book by ironing the pages. DVD of the ironing installation is included in a back pocket.

Out of print.




Vassar College Library, Wesleyan University, University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Wallace Memorial Library- RIT, Yale University, University of Delaware, Rochester Institute of Technology, Mills College, Duke University, University of Chicago, University of Utah, California Polytechnic State University, Florida State University, University of Tulsa, Swarthmore College, Indiana University, George Mason University, University of Michigan, Harvard University, Library of Congress, University of Wisconsin, Bucknell University, Messiah College

Book PDF

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